Mary Ellen Iskenderian blogs for Financial Access Initiative (FAI) on “The Year in Microfinance”

December 29, 2011


“As CEO of a global microfinance network I spent much of 2010 answering questions about the crisis in India and advocating for the continued relevance of microfinance as a model. This year’s challenges, however, gave me an opportunity to talk about the essential role of transparency and good governance and the importance of building on a deep understanding of client needs to tailoring products to fit those needs.

While the crisis dominated the media for much of the year, it would be regrettable if we didn’t acknowledge some of the important positive developments in the last 12 months. As an organization focused on increasing women’s access to financial services, we at Women’s World Banking (WWB) have a few things to cheer…”

Read the entire article here: Mary Ellen Iskenderian: The Year in Microfinance