Women's World Banking Blog

Gender Bias

Explore the latest global and regional insights from Women’s World Banking’s work in policy, leadership, women’s entrepreneurship, gender lens investing, and more.

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Report: Check Your Bias! A Field Guide for Lenders

Credit has always been a fundamental part of both formal and informal financial services. In the last three decades, however, the exponential growth in data and computing power has led to new ways of assessing creditworthiness. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have opened up the possibility of scoring

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Research & Perspectives

Check Your Bias: Gender Bias Scorecard for Lenders

Globally, there is a $1.7 trillion credit gap between for women MSMEs. At all points in the lending process–from customer acquisition to retention–there are opportunities to serve women customers better. Women’s World Banking has worked with dozens of financial institutions on their lending processes, successfully increasing representation of women applicants,

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