Women's World Banking Blog

Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub

Explore the latest global and regional insights from Women’s World Banking’s work in policy, leadership, women’s entrepreneurship, gender lens investing, and more.

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Research & Perspectives

Advancing Women-Led MSMEs through Digital Financial Inclusion

As we commemorate World Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Day, we honor the instrumental contributions of MSMEs, especially those led by women in driving economic growth and social progress. These businesses are crucial in income generation and job creation by fostering economic resilience within their communities. Women-led MSMEs, in

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Products & Solutions

Closing the Access to Skills Gap: Resource Roundup  

As part of our work focused on closing the skills gap, we are collating in one place resources from Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion (WDFI) Advocacy Hub coalition members to help governments, financial service providers and civil society organizations ensure every woman has access to initiatives that can increase her confidence

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Products & Solutions

#ItsHerEconomyToo Interview Series: How One Indian Fintech Company is Advancing Women’s Digital Equity

In this series we dive into the work happening around the world with Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub partners, and explore how they are driving women’s digital financial inclusion. As evidenced by this year’s Global Findex Report, digital financial inclusion isn’t just an urgent moral imperative, but an economic one

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